Online Community Engagement Software

Merriwa microgrid innovation trial

Project Overview

We’re proposing to trial innovative technology in Merriwa to deliver a more responsive, resilient and reliable power supply.

We're investing in a microgrid trial as part of our commitment to supporting local people and communities during planned and unplanned outages. ​ Increasing temperatures mean more extreme weather events, and this in turn increases the risk of unplanned power disruptions. We are thinking differently about how we can continue to provide for our customers in rural and remote areas.​

We are engaging with our customers and stakeholders on what a microgrid is and what power it is able to provide to support community, business and residential activity. By partnering with the Upper Hunter Shire Council and the Merriwa community to co-design elements of the microgrid trial project, we can best serve the needs of the Merriwa community. This includes helping decide what services are included in a 'community hub' that will operate under emergency conditions.